Concrete Testing

To whom
Clients who are interested in obtaining NDT inspection services by an accredited Inspection Body

To ensure the quality  and strength of the concrete structures

Technical Information about the service


Accredited Concrete Structure Testing laboratory is competent in providing following tests.

·         Rebound hammer – measures surface strength of the concrete.
·         Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) Test – Based on the wave propagation theory. It can be used to detect homogeneity of the concrete, presence of voids, crack and honey combs, to measure the quality of the concrete and depth of the crack.
·         Reinforcement Measurement Test – Performed as a preliminary test in order to locate rebars, to measure the exact concrete cover and to determine the diameter of the reinforcement bar.

Price list to be added after revision

    Relevant Documents

    Contacts of Service Master

Mr. Dilhan Jayaweera
Tel: 011 2987856,
Mobile:0714 857863