SLAEB was established under Sri Lanka Atomic Energy Act No.40 of 2014 which came into effect on 01st January, 2015 repealing the previous Atomic Energy Authority Act No.19 of 1969, under which the previous Atomic Energy Authority (AEA) was established. The new Act established two separate institutions namely Sri Lanka Atomic Energy Board (SLAEB) and Sri Lanka Atomic Energy Regulatory Council (SLAERC). SLAEB has been assigned the responsibilities of promoting and facilitating the peaceful applications of Nuclear Science and Technology for socio-economic development efforts while SLAERC is assigned for regulatory functions. The SLAEB has been fulfilling its functions in order to accomplish its objectives while gradually acquiring the distinctive technical competences required. The newly established SLAEB carries out qualitative, dedicated work in advancing cooperation in the technical areas, facilitating coordination of technical assistance in addition to performing other mandated tasks.

Main Objectives are :

  • Promote and encourage the peaceful application of nuclear technology and provide services using such technology
  • Conduct research on nuclear science and develop peaceful applications of nuclear technology for the purpose of achieving national objectives
  • Promote and support innovations to ensure safety and security systems and quality for the peaceful uses of nuclear technology
  • Provide radiation protection services to meet regulatory requirements relating to nuclear applications
  • Engage in activities involving ionizing radiation and complementary techniques, for commercial or other purposes