Deputy Director – IT & Promotion
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Mr. Priyanga Rathnayake
Deputy Director of IT and Promotion
Mr. Priyanga Rathnayake, the Deputy Director of IT and Promotion, has nearly a decade of experience in promotion of peaceful applications of nuclear science and technology. He graduated with a B.Sc (Sp. Hons) in Food Science and Nutrition from the University of Wayamba and obtained M.Sc in Disaster Management from University of Peradeniya.
Mr. Rathnayake joined Atomic Energy Authority in 2012 as a Scientific Officer and contributed to the establishment of Sri Lanka Gamma Centre and promotion of its services. He dedicated to the food irradiation related research activities and has published many research papers related to the food irradiation and has supervised many research projects of undergraduates. Mr. Rathnayake contributed in great extent to the promotional activities of SLAEB. He has conducted many school children awareness programs, teacher training programs round the country. He was promoted to IT and promotion in 2019. He works as the National Project Counterpart of the RAS5087 project on “Promoting Food Irradiation by Electron Beam and X Ray Technology to Enhance Food Safety, Security and Trade (RCA)”. Currently Mr. Rathnayake works as the Chief editor of the e magazine of SLAEB. His current focus is on development of exhibits, e books, learning management systems and other promotional materials to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of promotional activities of SLAEB. He is also dedicated to the development of digital platforms to enhance the efficiency of SLAEB activities.