Dr. Viraj Edirisinghe


Mrs. Nilmini Neethangani

Manori Rathnayake

Mr. Ranjith Bandara

Mr. Ranjith Bandara

Mr. Dilhan Jayaweera

Mrs. Champa Dissanayake

Dr. Viraj Edirisinghe

Champa Dissanayake

Research and Development activities available at LSD

Health and Environmental Studies

Apart from the major Nuclear Analytical Services, the LSD division engages in many programs related to quality and safety assurance in health sector of the nation and environmental protection. In these endeavors the division mainly concentrates on the radiation monitoring and radiation protection aspects.

The division in collaboration with Central Environmental Authority engages in air pollution monitoring for identification of airborne particulate matter (APM) in major urban areas in the country. APM data set has been established for Colombo Fort and Orugodawatta areas in which previous monitoring stations situated in. Current air quality monitoring stations are established in Kandy and Biyagama.

In collaboration with Marine Environment Protection Authority (MEPA) of Sri Lanka, the division executes a program on radiation monitoring in marine and coastal environments. Also we merge with the National Aquatic Resources Agency (NARA) for radioactivity monitoring in marine life forms, fish, sea water and sediments.

The division also provides services to health sector by testing the waste water from hospitals where cancer therapy is performed using radiotherapy. The gamma spectrometry laboratory engages in identifying mainly the I-131 radionuclide contamination in waste water samples received from hospitals through the National Water Supply and Drainage Board (NWSDB).

Food and Agriculture

Food and Agriculture Section engages in a program on Building Technological Capability for Food Traceability and Food safety. Food safety and quality are vital aspects of food security. The food supply is vulnerable to a range of food hazards (microbiological, chemical, physical) that may arise at any point in the food supply chain. The dramatic increase in the volume of global trade and complexity of supply chains over recent decades has caused a number of issues around food authenticity and safety.

In Collaboration with Tea Research Institute a research project titled ‘Applying Isotopic Fingerprinting to Authentication of CeylonTea’ is being implemented which is important in international trade.

Another project on animal originated food is being implemented in collaboration with Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, University of Peradeniya.

The division is on a path to applying it to other food items for extending its activities with the aim of ensuring consumer safety and promote international trade.

The Food and Agriculture Section in collaboration with Natural Resources Management Centre, Department of Agriculture engages in soil erosion assessment project using Fallout Radionuclide technique (FRN) in declared soil conservation area in the country. Parallel to this project a research project on identification of sources and transport of agro-contaminants in hilly watersheds is also implemented.

Ongoing Regional and National Technical Cooperation projects of IAEA

Project Number

Title of the project

RAS2019 (2016-2019)

Conducting the Comprehensive Management and Recovery of Radioactive and Associated Mineral Resources.

RAS5081 (2018-2021)

Enhancing food Safety and Supporting Regional Authentication of Foodstuffs through Implementation of Nuclear Techniques.(RCA)

RAS7028 (2017-2020)

Enhancing Regional Capability for Marine Radioactivity Monitoring and Assessment of the Potential Impact of Radioactive Releases from Nuclear Facilities in Asia-Pacific Marine Ecosystem.

RAS7029 (2016-2018)

Assessing the Impact of Urban Air Particulate Matter on Air Quality. (RCA) Completed 2018

RAS7031 (2019-2022)

Assessing the Vulnerability of Coastal Landscapes and Ecosystems to Sea-Level Rise and Climate Change (RCA)

RAS5084 (2018-2021)

Assessing and improving Soil and Water Quality to Minimize Land Degradation and Enhance Crop Productivity Using Nuclear Techniques. (RCA)

RAS 5083

Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture and Land Use Changes Through Climate Smart Agricultural Practices

National Technical Cooperation Projects

Project Number

Title of the project


Establishing a National Centre for Marine Pollution Control


Establishing a National Centre for Nuclear Agriculture.


Strengthening of Nuclear Analytical capabilities of the Sri Lanka Atomic Energy Board

NEW CONCEPT 2020/2021

Establishment of Medical Cyclotron Facility for the production of radiopharmaceuticals needed for molecular imaging techniques used in cancer patient management.

IAEA CRP projects

Project Number

Title of the project


Radio analytical and Isotopic Studies of Climate Trends & Variability in Marine Paleo- Records in Sri Lanka.


Development of Rapid Screening Methods to Assess the Authenticity, Safety & Quality of Imported & Locally Produced Milk Powder in Sri Lanka


Use of Stable Isotopes and Multi Element Analysis as a Traceability System in Authenticating Dairy Products of Sri Lanka to Enhance Food Safety


Identification of sources and transport of agro-contaminants in hilly agricultural watersheds in declared conservation area in Sri Lanka


RCARO funded CRP project