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    Contact Details

  • DesignationAct. Director (RPTSD)
  • Director NameMrs. Champa Dissanayake
  • Telephone011-253-4208
  • Mobile071-848-8383
  • Fax Number011-253-3448
  • Emailchampa@aeb.gov.lk

Secondary Standard Dosimetry Calibration

To verify the accuracy of the radiation measuring instruments, especially those that are used for personal protection, it is mandatory to calibrate them referencing to an international standard. Otherwise, the results produced by the device cannot be confirmed as accurate. This calibration further assures the safety of radiation workers and operators. The Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory (SSDL) is also accredited and is compliant with the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 international standards for protection level calibrations. Its irradiation standards are inherited from IAEA and BIPM (French Bureau International des Poids et Mesures/ International Bureau of Weights and Measures) primary standards. The SSDL of the SLAEB is one of the 66 SSDL facilities around the world. The IAEA continuously monitors all these SSDL facilities through IAEA SSDL Network.

The calibration has to be performed for all protection level radiation measuring/monitoring instruments annually or bi-annually depending on the requirement. Also, after every repairing activity, calibration has to be performed.

Secondary Standard Gamma Beam

Maintenance and perform necessary repairing/faulty analysis of the nuclear instruments in the country are performed by the laboratory. Such as Nuclear Disaster Early Warning System, XRF (X-ray Fluoroscopes), TXRF (Total Reflection X-ray Fluoroscopes), LSC (Liquid Scintillation Counters), Gamma Counting Systems (Sodium Iodide and HpGe; High-purity Germanium), Radiation Survey Meters, Counters, Gauges, and Contamination Monitors, etc.

Medical Standard X-ray Beam

A narrow-spectrum medical X-ray beam, in compliance with the ISO 4037 standard, is also being maintained and used for calibration of X-ray measuring and generating instruments in diagnostic radiology.

Therapy Standard Calibrations

The laboratory is currently expanding its capacity to introduce therapy level calibrations to the radiation generators, measuring instruments used in therapeutic and interventional radiology. This program will also include the scope for catering to the QA/QC operations of radiation generators in both therapeutic and diagnostic radiology.

Island-wide Calibration Services

The SSDL provides island-wide calibration services to the radiation measuring instruments (Survey meters, Pocket dosimeters, Contamination monitors, etc.) and medical X-ray, gammaray diagnostic machines.