Dr. Edirisinghe graduated from University of Peradeniya in 2000 with BSc in physical science as the basic degree. He joined Sri Lanka Atomic Energy Authority (currently, Sri Lanka Atomic Energy Board-SLAEB) in 2001 as a Scientific Officer. He was assigned to develop the isotope hydrology programme of the SLAEB. During the work in SLAEB, he completed a Master degree (MSc) in nuclear science at University of Colombo in 2007. He was able to establish well equipped laboratories for the development of isotope hydrology programme and he has been working in the fields of water management and dam safety for many years. He was promoted to the Deputy Director of the Isotope Hydrology Section in 2015. Meanwhile he completed a PhD degree in the field of isotope hydrology at University of Peradeniya in 2018. Dr Edirisinghe has mainly involved in research studies on groundwater origin, groundwater recharge, surface water-groundwater interactions, groundwater contamination, surface water pollution etc. in national and regional levels. He has several publications in peer reviewed journals. He was promoted to the current position in the SLAEB in 2017.