NDT Training
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The SLAEB commenced its Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) programme in 1981 to promote NDT technology in the country for training and qualification of NDT personnel and to provide NDT services to the Industry. Since the establishment of the National Centre for Non-Destructive Testing (NCNDT) in 2014, NDT training unit functions under its purview.
The training unit of the NCNDT conducts NDT training in basic methods (MT, PT, ET, UT & RT) for level 1, 2, and 3 in accordance with ISO 9712:2012 Standard and the IAEA syllabi: IAEA TECDOC – 628/Rev.03, “Training Guidelines in Non-Destructive Testing Techniques”.
These training programmes will be beneficial for NDT personnel, quality assurance / quality control inspectors, technicians, welders, engineers and surveyors in the industrial fields such as metal fabrication, aerospace, oil refinery and petrochemical, ship building/repair and many other construction and manufacturing industries.
Apart from these regular training courses, additional training courses, workshops and awareness programs are conducted in other NDT techniques such as Visual Testing, Digital Radiography Testing and Infra-red Thermography Testing as well. By passing the examination conducted by the “Certification Body for NDT, Sri Lanka (CBNDT)” after each training course, the participants obtain qualification in the relevant method and they have the opportunity to participate in NDT inspections with the NCNDT in order to gain industrial experience. With the required amount of experience, a qualified person becomes eligible to apply for personnel certification from the “CBNDT- Sri Lanka” in accordance with the ISO 9712-International Standard for training and certification of Non-destructive testing personnel.
Levels of Training
The training courses are conducted to ensure the participants are able to apply for certification under ISO 9712 at three separate Levels as Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3.
The Level 1 training courses are aimed at providing the participants with a fundamental knowledge of theory and practice of the NDT method that enable them to set-up and calibrate test equipment and follow appropriate written instructions and procedures.
At Level 2, participants will gain a comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge to interpret and evaluate the test results, develop test procedures and judge the validity of a test technique.
With Level 3 qualification, the participants will gain the capability of assuming full managerial responsibility of a test facility and staff, establishing techniques and procedures, interpreting codes, specifications and standards.
To apply for training, a completed application form with certified copies of relevant educational/professional certificate should be sent to following address before the closing date of respective training course:
OIC-Training Unit
National Centre for Non Destructive Testing
Sri Lanka Atomic Energy Board
977/18 Bulugaha Junction
Kandy Road, Kelaniya