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Initial Certification/Renewal/Re-certification
Initial Certification
Requirements are proof of NDT training, vision acuity, successful completion of qualification examination and industrial NDT experience as per ISO 9712:2012. The application for certification must be submitted to CBNDT within two years after the qualification exam, even if the required experience times of certification are not sufficient.
Certification Renewal
Prior to the completion of the first period of validity and every 10 years thereafter, certification may be renewed for a new period of five years.
It is the responsibility of the certificate holder, to submit completed and signed renewal application to the CBNDT within six months before the expiry date of the certification along with all documents for the renewal (original certificate on expiry of the period, documentary evidence of satisfactorily fulfilling the vision requirements, documentary evidence of continued
satisfactory work activity relevant to the certification during the preceding 12 months and without significant interruption).
Prior to the completion of the second period of validity (every 10 years), the certified individual may be recertified for a new period of five years.
It is the responsibility of the certificate holder, to submit completed and signed recertification application within twelve (12) to six (6) months before the expiry date of the renewed certification.