– An intergovernmental agreement for the East Asia & Pacific region, under the auspices of the IAEA
The various RCA projects that are implemented in Sri Lanka provides nuclear technologies to address socoi-economic needs and contribute to sustainable development of the country. These projects are implemented in the areas of;
Human Health
Radiation protection
Sri Lanka presently participates in 14 RCA projects in the above areas.
Coordinated Research Projects (CRP) involvement of Sri Lanka
List of the CRP Projects involved by the Sri Lankan Scientists
D52038 – Use of Stable Isotopes and Multiple Elements Analysis as a Traceability System in Authenticating Dairy Products of Sri Lanka to Enhance Food Safety
D52040 – Development of Rapid Screening Methods to Assess the Authenticity, Safety and Quality of Imported and Locally Produced Milk Powder in Sri Lanka
J02012 – Investigation and Improvement of the Detection Capabilites of the Available Radionuclide Identification Devices (RIDs)’
F32007 – Isotopes to study Nitrogen Pollution and Eutrophication of Rivers and Lakes
J 02005 – Collection and Analysis of Radiation Detection Data of Alarming Containers
CRP K41016 – Study of temporal trends of pollution in selected coastal areas by the application of Isotopic and Nuclear tools
F23032 – “Developing Radiation Treatment Methodologies and New Resin Formulations for Consolidation Preservation of Archived Materials and Cultural Heritage Artefacts”
K41015- “Radioanalytical and Isotopic Studies of Climate Trends and Variability in Marine Paleo-records in Sri Lanka”
Project Number
Use of Stable Isotopes and Multiple Elements Analysis as a Traceability System in Authenticating Dairy Products of Sri Lanka to Enhance Food Safety
Development of Rapid Screening Methods to Assess the Authenticity, Safety and Quality of Imported and Locally Produced Milk Powder in Sri Lanka
Investigation and Improvement of the Detection Capabilites of the Available Radionuclide Identification Devices (RIDs)’
Isotopes to study Nitrogen Pollution and Eutrophication of Rivers and Lakes
J 02005
Collection and Analysis of Radiation Detection Data of Alarming Containers
CRP K41016
Study of temporal trends of pollution in selected coastal areas by the application of Isotopic and Nuclear tools
“Developing Radiation Treatment Methodologies and New Resin Formulations for Consolidation Preservation of Archived Materials and Cultural Heritage Artefacts”
“Radioanalytical and Isotopic Studies of Climate Trends and Variability in Marine Paleo-records in Sri Lanka”