ISO 9712 Level 1 Training Course on Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
Archive News
- Radiographic Testing – Digital (RT-D), Level 2 In accordance with ISO 9712:2021 04th to 15th December 2023 National Centre for Non-Destructive Testing, Sri Lanka Atomic Energy Board, Sri Lanka
- NDT Awareness program for Instructors from the Chamber of Construction Industry
- Workshop on NDT Thermography Testing
- Route Ways to Non-Destructive Testing to Ensure the Integrity of Assets
- NDT Workshop for Boiler and Heavy Industry
- NDT Awareness program for the School of Electrical & Mechanical Engineers Gannoruwa
- NDT Awareness Program for the University of Peradeniya Physics Special Students
- Workshop for the students of the Asian Aviation Center
- Radiographic Testing Level 1 Training Course as per ISO 9712:2012
- Ultrasonic Testing Level 2 Training Course as per ISO 9712:2012