Our Sections

    Contact Details

  • DesignationDirector - Life Sciences
  • Director NameMrs. Champa Dissanayake
  • Telephone011-253-4208
  • Mobile071-848-8383
  • Fax Number011-253-3448
  • Emailchampa@aeb.gov.lk


Participating recent Regional and National Technical Cooperation projects of IAEA

Project Number Title of the project
RAS5081 / (2018-2021)
Enhancing food Safety and Supporting Regional Authentication of Foodstuffs through Implementation of Nuclear Techniques.(RCA)
RAS7028 / (2017-2020)
Enhancing Regional Capability for Marine Radioactivity Monitoring and Assessment of the Potential Impact of Radioactive Releases from Nuclear Facilities in Asia-Pacific Marine Ecosystem.
RAS7031 / (2019-2022)
Assessing the Vulnerability of Coastal Landscapes and Ecosystems to Sea-Level Rise and Climate Change (RCA)
RAS5084 / (2018-2021)
Assessing and improving Soil and Water Quality to Minimize Land Degradation and Enhance Crop Productivity Using Nuclear Techniques. (RCA)
RAS 5083
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture and Land Use Changes Through Climate Smart Agricultural Practices

National Technical Cooperation Projects

Project Number Title of the project
Establishing a National Centre for Marine Pollution Control
Establishing a National Centre for Nuclear Agriculture.
Strengthening of Nuclear Analytical capabilities of the Sri Lanka Atomic Energy Board
Strengthening national capabilities for food and feed safety
Establishment of Medical Cyclotron Facility for the production of radiopharmaceuticals needed for molecular imaging techniques used in cancer patient management.

 IAEA CRP projects

Project Number Title of the project
Radio analytical and Isotopic Studies of Climate Trends & Variability in Marine Paleo- Records in Sri Lanka.
Development of Rapid Screening Methods to Assess the Authenticity, Safety & Quality of Imported & Locally Produced Milk Powder in Sri Lanka
Use of Stable Isotopes and Multi Element Analysis as a Traceability System in Authenticating Dairy Products of Sri Lanka to Enhance Food Safety
Identification of sources and transport of agro-contaminants in hilly agricultural watersheds in declared conservation area in Sri Lanka
Assessment of impact of Air quality and its surrounding environment in Colombo Sri Lanka RCARO funded CRP project