LSD has been performing alpha spectroscopy for identification of alpha radiation emitting radio nuclides mainly to support the environmental radiation monitoring program. Continuous air monitoring perfumed with portable air sampling devices gather the air samples to filter paper from area suspicious of airborne radiation contamination. Such filter paper samples can be analyzed in this laboratory for radioactivity generated by gross alpha beta and specific alpha emitters. This kind of test can also be performed for natural pure water or waste water of commercial and industrial sources for analysis of radiation contamination.
With the addition of latest alpha spectrometry device by Canberra, capable of performing tests on eight samples simultaneously, it is able to boost the efficiency of alpha spectrometry test performance for both commercial and R&D purposes.
With the new Gross Alpha-Beta counting system added recently, it is hoped to extend the activities of the laboratory towards testing of water from different sources, for radioactive contamination by measuring the gross alpha and gross beta radiation activity. Initiatives are to be taken for extending tests performed with this system for other samples, in the coming future.