ICPMS Analysis
Analysis of elemental composition of solid or liquid samples using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy (ICP-MS). The elemental composition can be determined at trace and ultra-trace levels for multiple elements. The information delivered can be used for determining quality of materials industry for further enhancements and also for international and national regulatory purposes that require analysis of hazardous heavy elements.
Target groups
- The main target groups of this service are
- Commercial bottled water industry for water quality regulation.
- Water quality analysis.
- Commercial entities in Import and export of raw and value-added materials
- Commercial entities in Import and export of food items.
- Food industries for water quality and food quality management.
- Agricultural Industries.
- Industries and institutions requiring Geochemical analysis of soil and ground water.
- Various Research and Development.
ICP-MS is a variant of the Mass Spectroscopy technique for elemental analysis, that uses Inductively Coupled Plasma torch for evaporation and atomization of sample prior to mass spectroscopy step that differentiate the constituent elements. This method of atomization enables it determine quantity of multiple elements down to parts per billion (ppb or µg/l) level in a single analysis round. The technique features high sensitivity, multi-element capability, wide linear dynamic range, high sample throughput and ability to discriminate between isotopes.
Charges/cost estimation process
The tests are charged per sample for a list of 10 elements.
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Contacts of Service Master
Ms.Dulanjalee Madusha
Scientific Officer
Life Sciences Division
Tel: 941-125-334278
Fax: 941-125-33448